Zayn Malik

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016


Hi guys! I'm so sad because I think this is my last post in this semester. We are writing 1 students got some experiences about writing. We spent about 6 months to study in writing 1. Pak Johannes as our lecture taught us in class A. And in the last 3 months we learned how to describe clothing and fashion, how to write a postcard, and also how to write narrative text. The topics it look easy but when I tried to write it, I was confused to make a good sentence in my writing. OMG! Writing is difficult. But now, I can make my writing better. Thank you for my friends who always support me and help me to feedback my writing. And also thank you to my lecture Pak Johannes. I hope we can meet again in the next semester. Love you guys! 

Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

My Short Trip with My Special

Last year, my boyfriend and I planned our trip to Cangar Hill. We did not go there alone. My boyfriend took his brother and sister. We went there by motorcycle. So, we took two motorcycle. On the way, we got a problem. My boyfriend's motorcycle could not work well. The mecine became very hot and produced some oil, so we took a rest and my boyfriend's brother checked our motorcycle. He said, "I think we can not continue to go up". "It better if we back down and looking for other places", he added. Finally, we decided to go down and searched other destination. We chose destination which did not have upward way. We went to Cuban Cangu Waterfall and Padusan Hot Water Swimmingpool. We enjoyed the view and we took some pictures. I was very happy, because at the and we could still enjoy our trip together.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016


Dear Via,

I went to Bali on vacation. Do you know where Bali is, right? I spent all days in Bali with my family. Espesially, we went to the beaches. I went to Kuta Beach, Jimbaran Beach, and Lovina Beach. In Kuta Beach, my family and I took some pictures and enjoyed the view. I bought some souvenirs. I hope we can take a trip together there and spend our day together. I remember, I have some interesting souvenirs for you. I hope you like it.

Your friend,

My Fashion Style

Hi guys! This week, I will talk a little bit about fashion. Fashion is about a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc, but now I want to tell you about the clothes. In this year, some people especially girls are giving more attention about her clothes. The girls are up to date about clothes. They always upgrade their style from the internet (fashion blog).

Look at the picture! This picture is my favorite outfit. Now, this style is very popular in the world. I think it is very fashionable. The girl is wearing black-white clothes. She is wearing black-white hat. She is also wearing crop-top white shirt with an abstrac pattern cardigan. She is wearing ripped black jeans. She is also wearing black platfrom shoes. Acording to wikipedia, crop-top (also cropped top, belly shirt, half shirt, midriff shirt, midriff top, tummy top, short shirt, and cutoff shirt) is a top, the lower part of which is high enough to expose the waist, navel or some of the midriff. The cropping of a top in this manner is generally limited to female garments. I hope that I can looks like her style.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016


My name is Katarina Cintya Puspita. I am 19 years old. I am Indonesian. I was born in Surabaya City. I used to live in Gresik, but now My family and I live in Surabaya. I am studying English in Widya Mandala University, Surabaya. Every Monday until Friday, I go to campus at 5.30 a.m. I like dancing, singing, and traveling. Dancing and Singing are my hobby.  Every week, I always practice dancing and singing. Traveling is my new hobby. I usually traveling with my boyfriend round East Java. Someday, I want to traveling around the world with him. Every Saturday and Sunday, I always watch my favorite TV show. My favorite TV show is “My Trip My Adventure”. This TV show is my favorite because they show how to enjoy the nature of Indonesia. I like to watching movies. My favorite is comedy movie. Sometimes, I like to reading novel. When I am bored, I usually listen to music. My favorite are hip hop and pop music. I like hip hop music because my hobby is also hip hop dancing. My favorite food is “bakso”. “Bakso” is very popular in Indonesia. I have best friends. They are Sesil, Widi, Via, Lidya, and Ika. Now, they are in the same class with me. They are very friendly and I enjoy with them.
I am the first child of my parents. My parents are Laurensius Suroso and Perpetua Kusmawarti. My father is a teacher in Vocational High School in Tidar street, Surabaya. He teaches electrical engineering. My mother is teacher too,  in Junior High School in Kalijudan street, Surabaya. She teaches music. I have two brother. The first one is Tito. He is 18 years old. He is very big, so some of people who meet us think that he is older than me. Now, he is studying in Stanislaus High School, Surabaya. And the last one is Theo. He is 10 years old. He is very thin because he does not like to eat too much. Now, he is studying in Saint Theresia 2 Elementary Shool, Surabaya. We like to eating durian. We are durian lovers.

Don't forget to write comment guys, so I can revise this autobiography and fixed it before the deadline. Thankyou ;;)


In this semester,  I have a writing class. I have not had it before. I can not image how is a writing class. Writting class is important for our life, especially for us who studying in English Department. Writing class uses to do thesis and maybe applying for a job.

In writing class, we are studying a lot of new vocabulary, and the most important is grammar.  Every weeks, we get assigment to write something after we have done our chapter. And then we must post our writing in the blog. So, we must have blog. I think it is more relevant, because we can reduce the use of paper. In writing class A, our lecture can teaches us very very well. Sometimes, he also make a joke and make us laugh.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016


Hello guys! This week, I will tell you about my favorite animal. My favorite animal is cat. 

Cats similar to tigers and lions. It has four leg, two ears, one nose, one mouth, but cats are smaller than tigers and lions. Cat is pets, like dogs. There are many types of cats. There are persian, siamese, etc. Cats have fluffy fur. Some of people love cat because of their fluffy fur. Cats have whiskers in their face. In the night, their eyes like a flashlight. Cats have a tail. Each cats have a different tail shape. There are long, short, etc. Their favorite food is fish, but in Indonesia cats also eat mouse. Is it disgusting right? Yes, ofcorse. But, I don't care about it. I love cats.

Thats all about my favorite animal. Don't forget to write comment! Thankyou