Zayn Malik

Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

My Short Trip with My Special

Last year, my boyfriend and I planned our trip to Cangar Hill. We did not go there alone. My boyfriend took his brother and sister. We went there by motorcycle. So, we took two motorcycle. On the way, we got a problem. My boyfriend's motorcycle could not work well. The mecine became very hot and produced some oil, so we took a rest and my boyfriend's brother checked our motorcycle. He said, "I think we can not continue to go up". "It better if we back down and looking for other places", he added. Finally, we decided to go down and searched other destination. We chose destination which did not have upward way. We went to Cuban Cangu Waterfall and Padusan Hot Water Swimmingpool. We enjoyed the view and we took some pictures. I was very happy, because at the and we could still enjoy our trip together.

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