Zayn Malik

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016


Hi guys! I'm so sad because I think this is my last post in this semester. We are writing 1 students got some experiences about writing. We spent about 6 months to study in writing 1. Pak Johannes as our lecture taught us in class A. And in the last 3 months we learned how to describe clothing and fashion, how to write a postcard, and also how to write narrative text. The topics it look easy but when I tried to write it, I was confused to make a good sentence in my writing. OMG! Writing is difficult. But now, I can make my writing better. Thank you for my friends who always support me and help me to feedback my writing. And also thank you to my lecture Pak Johannes. I hope we can meet again in the next semester. Love you guys! 

1 komentar:

  1. I am agree with that (OMG! Writing is difficult). I believe that is because we are not write much, that is why there is writing subject, and it makes us write a lot (blog). I hope you can get a good score in writing, and I hope I will, too.
