Zayn Malik

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2016

Special Region of Yogyakarta

Hello guys, this week I want to tell you about my favorite city in Indonesia. I think is not just a city but a province. This is not my hometown but my mother's hometown. Every year, my family always visit there. This city has nature beauty and strong culture. So, let's check it !

Special Region of Yogyakarta is a province which headed by Sultan of Yogyakarta. This province located in southern island of Java and between Central Java. Yogyakarta has very much a tourist spot. There are Prambanan Temple, Malioboro, Parangtritis beach, "Keraton Yogyakarta", Merapi Mountain, "Alun - alun Yogyakarta" and any else. Because it is located in the south of the island of Java so, Yogyakarta has many beaches. But you must pay attention if you are in there, because the south coast has a large wave. In the North of Yogyakarta, there is a mountain named Merapi. If you want to know about the culture, you can go to Central Yogyakarta. You can visit Keraton Yogyakarta. In there you will guided to get around "Keraton". If you lucky, you can meet Sultan of Yogyakarta. In Central Yogyakarta you can find "Tugu". "Tugu" is a landmark of Yogyakarta which has white color. "Tugu", Merapi Mountain, and Parangtritis Beach related to each other.
If you want to buy souvenirs you can go to Malioboro. You can get any things for your souvenirs. Yogyakarta has favorite food. There are Gudeg, and Bakpia. If you want to try Gudeg you can go to the Wijilan street. In there you can find gudeg restaurant. Bakpia is also favorite food in Yogyakarta. You can find bakpia in Pathok street. In there you can see there are so many Bakpia store and you can also see how to make bakpia.

That's little bit about Yogyakarta. If you want to know all about Yogyakarta, you can go there and don't forget to ask me hehehe .. Thank you.

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Funny Story

Hello guys !! This is my second post. I will tell you about my funny story. I don't know how many funny stories I had. And little bit I forget it. So, I try to remember it.

When I was in high school, my friend and I liked to hang out in the mall. One day, we went to Tunjungan Plaza. We wanted to watch "Coboy Junior the Movie". I used to be fan of them hahaha. My friend and I arrived in there around 11 a.m. When we were there, we saw some poeple assemble in front of the cinema door. And the cinema was still close. Wow! We were surprised about that. You know guys, people who assemble are teenager and their mothers, and they wanted to watch the same film. So, my friend and I go in front of cinema door to get the first line. When we were there my friend told me that she wanted to go to toilet. So, I must stand in line alone. When the security opened the door, some of teenager and their mother run to the tikets center. I was schocked. I wanted to get my tikets. So, I run faster than they. Finaly, I got 2 tikets. I was so happy. Some of teenager and their mother snatch away for the tikets. They was very wild. Hahaha ... And I think that is my frist time can snatch tikets with them.

That is my experience about funny story. Don't forget to write a comment! Thankyou ;;)

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016


Hello guys! In this article I will discuss about Netiquette. Do you know what is a Netiquette? Let's check it!

Netiquette is (network etiquette) the etiquette of cyberspace. And for the "etiquette" is the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life. In other words, Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online.

 I will show you the rules of Netiquette:
1. Make yourself look good online
Internet is very universal. So, we must be careful to use the internet. If you writing anything and it is connected in internet, you must to pay attention to your writing. Because, it can make you
in trouble. What you say, must be accountable. So, you must make yourself look good.

2. Share expert knowledge
 From the Internet we can also share our experience and maybe about our knowledge. If you have a new knowledge or experience, you can write it and share it. It can help some people who have a trouble in knowledge. 

3. Respect other people's privacy
And the last we have this respect other people's privacy. This is an important thing that must we know. Every people have a privacy, and their privacy is different. We must to respect other people's privacy, and we don't have a finger in the pie. Because it's theirs privacy.

I think that is the important thing from Netiquette. If you want to read more about Netiquette, you can read this

Thank you for your time to read this. Don't forget to write the comment :)